Wednesday, March 19, 2014

New Internet trends according to CISCO

Here is a post you will most likely enjoy more than the others I have written. It is from the networking company Cisco.

By 2014, traffic from wireless devices will exceed traffic from wired devices. 
By 2015, the amount of content that flows annually by Internet will be 540 000 times the amount that aired in 2003. 
By 2015, 90% of all Internet content will be based on video. 
By 2015, one million minutes of video will traverse the Internet every second. 
By 2016, annual global IP traffic will exceed the threshold zettabyte (1 180 591 620 717 411 303 424 bytes). 
By 2016, the number of devices connected to IP networks will be about three times the world's population. 
By 2016, 1.2 million minutes of video content will cross the network per second. 
By 2020, there will be 50 000 million Internet-connected devices.

I know, this is really impressive, but wait, there is more...

Take a look at this youtube video

Sorry for the absence

I've been having massive responsibilities at work this week, which have kept me from blogging this last days. As you may know, or know now, I just blog from work. I don't know why, but I always feel like writing when I am working.

Anyway, as I was saying, I had a lot to do this last days. I just work 4 hours a day so you could say what I have to do is not much, which is true. Most of the times I just sit here studying my college courses cause I never feel like doing it when I am at home...

BUT, but when a computer fails, the net is down or even a printer isn't working properly, it is my job to do whatever I can to make it work.

This week we installed our very first dedicated server, :D but, because the boss PC was the one used to make a server, I had to give him my working-PC and I was given a 2005 Laptop with 1gb ram and an Intel Centrino Processor.

Hopefully, I will continue writing more often, as I have solved every other networking problems that have come to me this week :D.

Friday, March 14, 2014

The approaching farewell

When I woke up today and saw the date, I instantly realized something, something important, something that will change my life.

We are in the middle of march right now, one fourth of the year has gone by... and, in about four and a half months I will be leaving, my country, my family, my friends, my dog, my car and everything I love to go to college.

I will be even changing continent, everything will be different, and although this is what I've been waiting for the last three years (or more) I am a little bit nervous.

It is like a mix of encountered feelings, I want to leave, like, right now; but at the same time I know I will miss everyone really much, and I feel like I've wasted too much time here.

Now, staring into the near future, I realize how little time I still got and it horrible to see all the hings I haven't been able to enjoy about my city and my country.

What an adventure await for me, right? I'll tell you more about it anytime soon

-Take care

Thursday, March 13, 2014

The Morning Coffee

Although I eat breakfast everyday at home before having to spend a whole hour and twenty minutes in traffic to get to work, I don't drink my coffee at home, but in the car.

Why so? Why would anyone prefer to drink uncomfortable in the car, with just one hand while driving, instead of enjoying it siting at home, before melting into the stress of every day life?

Coffee, for me, has relaxing and enjoyable effects. It helps me calm down when I'm nervous, angry or even furious.

So, what I do is simply put my freshly home brewed espresso in my Land Rover coffee mug (I just have the mug, I don't own such an expensive car...) and let it sit in my car until the stress starts.

For the first 20 or 25 minutes of the road it is enough with the radio sounding at full blast and me singing to the newest pop hits -although I am a "metal-head"-. But suddenly, when I start leaving behind the nice and superfluous part of town, where everywhere you look you can see brand new Audi's, Jeep's, Range Rover's, Porsche Cayenne's, Jaguars... and you incorporate in the area of us the mortals, those of us who drive Honda, Toyota, Hyundai, Kia, Mazda..., the traffic is suddenly unbearable.

In my city it seems to be that a convention is held every day, every hour, a convention, for all the worst drivers in the world.

People driving too slow, some drivers going without prudence, and those motorcycles that seem to be a plague (that I personally would like to eradicate).

All of a sudden, I am not the joyful car singer anymore, but someone who is yelling at every car that makes something I don't like. Wishing all those people were not there and hopping for the gas prices to get higher so people cannot afford to take their car out.

The savior Coffee

When I realize that I am already yelling at everyone, I reach my hand a bit to the right, have a sip of my vanilla scented espresso, and my anger drops down. 

All those drivers are lucky that I have my coffee... 

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Me and Yoga

I used to be a very good tennis player, I was ranked as one of the best in my country. I used to play the national tournaments, always finishing in good places and I even played an international tournament, where I earned a gold medal.

But, sometimes, the calamity does not want to wait, and shows itself right at your brightest moments. Two injuries (wrist and knee) and one broken nose, kept me out of the court for over a year. 

After a year without tennis, I decided it was time for me to do another sport, unless I wanted to get fat, which I did not. (fatter actually, because a year without sport is enough to make me a bit "bigger" to the sides.)

So, I decided to accompany my mother to one of the lessons she takes,


 I myself, was the first to think, what am I doing here?, even before the class started. I was one ignorant more, who thought Yoga was not a sport, but and old ladies activity.

You can picture me, entering the place with arrogance and pride, believing that one little Yoga lesson would be nothing for an athletic and muscular tennis champion.
 I had never been so wrong in my entire life.

Throughout the class, my arms felt weak, my legs stumbled and I felt like falling. Those were 90 minutes of pure muscular pain. It seems that the champion wasn't as strong as he thought.

Benefits in my life

The main benefit for someone like me, who always is taking care of his physical appearance, is obviously what the sport part does. Every muscle in my body seems to be stronger, and also looks so. Now, I am even close to getting what I always tried to achieve but never could, a six pack.

My body is changing, growing and getting better looking, I swear, sometime maybe, you'll get to see the progress.

Moreover, every class fills you with a positive energy, which allows to be more patient in your everyday life.

A huge roaring heart

I was once asked how big the heart of my loved one was... I stumbled for a moment, what was I going to answer, if I had no girlfriend?
Then I remembered what is what I love the most in my life and said:

"The love of my life has a huge heart, it is 1800 CC"

This might sound like a joke, but I do really love my car.

Do you love your car as much as I do?

A little explanation

In case you were wondering, no, my name is not Leif, nor my last name is Bragisson.

If you want to know why I use that pseudonym, here comes my explanation.

I am nowhere in a near past (really doubtful longer ago too) related with a culture like the Scandinavian or
the "raiders of the sea" the vikings.

However, I have a fanaticism with that culture for so many reasons I am not willing to say right now, for the reason for this blog entry is not my viking obsession, but the explanation of my pseudonym.

This name, like any other name is consisted of two fragments. The first name and the last name. One, establishes who you are, and the other where you come from.
 For instance, if you are named John Smith, "John" is who you are, what you are going to do, your present and your future. "Smith" is what signifies what your ancestors did, how they earned their place in life. That's what you come with before you are born.

The whole name, however, means the combination of those two factors, that allow you to create a person by yourself, with what you have behind.

Having made that statement, let's start with the explanation.


I took this name, in honor of the real discoverer of america, Leif Eriksson. His genius (and maybe luck) made him come to the unknown land 500 years before Columbus did. 

Half a millennium  before. If our "modern" existence is caged to 2000 years, you could say that Leif and the vikings vanquished the Spanish for almost one fourth of our history.


File:Idunn and Bragi by Blommer.jpg
Bragi is shown with a harp and
 accompanied by his wife 
Iðunn in
 this 19th-century painting by 
Nils Blommér.
Without giving the poor vikings some rest, I stole my last-name from them too. Just this time, I did it not from an actual living person, but from a god of their mythology.

Bragi is known as the norse god of music and poetry, of lyrics and rhymes, of words... 

I could not be so much egocentric to make myself a god, that's why I took the name and formed the Scandinavian patronymic. 

Bragisson states, therefore, that I am not the god, but just his son.